Empower Hour: 4 Alumni to Watch

In 2018, several candidates flipped particularly difficult districts.

In 2020, some districts won remain highly competitive, in particular those of Now or Never NC alumni Christy Clark, James Gailliard, Joe Sam Queen, and Ray Russell.

In three of these races, the prior incumbent is attempting to regain a seat, and in the remaining race, Ray Russell (the “Ray of Ray’s Weather”) faces a challenge from a first-time candidate with the same first name.  

That’s why we welcome alumni for our next Empower Hour. 

Thankfully, these candidates started early, and have gotten great starts for reelection in 2020. Let’s keep the momentum going!

Please join us Saturday, June 13th at 5pm.  Donations are not required, though we’ll be providing a link allowing contributions directly to these candidates. 

Register now by clicking here.  Instructions will be emailed to you upon registration.

For more information, please contact [email protected] or call 919.283.4819.

While there is no donation required to attend this virtual event, we encourage you to make a donation.  Please click here for the opportunity to contribute to these candidates. 


June 13, 2020 at 5:00pm - 6pm

Will you come?