2024 Endorsed Candidates

We’re in a political fight for the heart and soul of our state and nation. Now’s the time for direct action.
Please click the endorsed candidate name(s) below to help Get Out The Vote:
NC Senate
Terence Everitt (SD18 - northern Wake & Granville Counties)
NC House of Representatives
Diamond Staton-Williams (HD73 - Cabarrus County)
Lindsey Prather (HD115 - Buncombe County)
Bryan Cohn (HD32 - Granville & Vance Counties)
Evonne Hopkins (HD35 - northern Wake County)
Beth Helfrich (HD98 - Northern Mecklenburg County)
Nicole Sidman (HD105 - southeast Mecklenburg County)
Dante Pittman (HD24 - Wilson County)
Final financial donations?
Directly to candidates via this link Or to Now or Never NC via this link.
Candidate Biographies:
Terence Everitt (SD18) is serving a third term in the NC House and running for the NC Senate seat in northern Wake & Granville Counties presently held by longtime friend and retiring Senator Mary Wills Bode. He’s a former Board member of the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce and the Wake County Transit Advisory Committee. Terence is a small businessman (attorney), husband, and father running to preserve reproductive freedom, support for public schools, and improve public safety. www.terenceeveritt.com
Diamond Staton-Williams (HD73) is running for re-election to NC House in Cabarrus County. She’s a registered nurse and working mother who served on the Harrisburg Town Council. Diamond has extraordinarily extensive nonprofit board and volunteer service focused on mental health and child achievement, including Communities in Schools, a program in which she participated as a youth. Diamond understands the needs of working people and is committed to fighting for our families. www.teamdiamondnc.com
Lindsey Prather (HD115) is running for re-election to NC House in Buncombe County. She’s a recipient of the prestigious NC Teaching Fellows scholarship and spent six years as a public school teacher of Occupational Skills, American History, and Civics. Lindsey’s also worked in admissions at UNC-Asheville and as a community activist in voter education and registration. Lindsey is a proud voice for the Mountains fighting for priorities like public education, affordable healthcare, and equality for all. www.pratherfornc.com
Bryan Cohn (HD32) serves on the Oxford Board of Commissioners. He’s a husband, father of three, and small business owner with extensive agricultural experience. His district includes Granville and Vance counties. He was inspired to serve in public office by the horrendous events of January 6, 2021. He’s running to unseat a first-term state representative hostile to reproductive rights. www.bryan4nc.com
Evonne Hopkins (HD35) operates and owns a North Raleigh-based family law practice. She and her husband have two children who attend local public schools. She’s a longtime grassroots activist facing a MAGA-style opponent. Evonne is running to retain the seat currently held by Representative Terence Everitt (who is running to retain the seat currently held by retiring Senator Mary Wills Bode). www.hopkinsforhouse.com
Beth Helfrich (HD98) is a life-long resident of her northern Mecklenburg County district and a Davidson College graduate. She, her husband, and five children live in Davidson. One of her motivations in running for public office stems from the egregious Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Her opponent has been silent for much of the campaign, likely deferring to the judgment of funders outside the district. www.bethhelfrichnc.com
Nicole Sidman (HD105) is running in southeast Mecklenburg County to unseat Rep. Tricia Cotham. As an attorney, educator, community leader, and mom, Nicole is running to take up the fights that matter to our community and our state. In 2018, she served as campaign manager for Now or Never NC alumnus Christy Clark to Break the Supermajority. Nicole’s candidacy will help Break the Supermajority once again! www.nicolefornc.com
Dante Pittman (HD24) is a lifelong resident of Wilson County. He attended Wilson County Public Schools and graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill, where he was a cadet in the Army ROTC program. Today, he’s a Captain in the North Carolina National Guard. His extensive board service includes the Wilson Education Partnership, Wilson County Department of Social Services (Board Chair), Wilson County Community Foundation, Kiwanis, and the Vestry of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church. He was in the first cohort of the UNC School of Government’s distinguished Lead for North Carolina Fellows program. He’s also the spouse of longtime Now or Never NC friend Lucy Russell Pittman. In the NC House, Dante will continue to champion affordable healthcare, public education, and economic opportunities. www.pittmanfornc.com