Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed that the Legislative Supermajority created unconstitutional, racially gerrymandered districts. On Wednesday, Governor Cooper called a special session for Legislators to fix this mess, which has disenfranchised voters and cost taxpayers dearly; but yesterday, the Legislative Supermajority balked at doing even that. Enough. We have to win State Legislative seats at the next election, which could be as soon as later this year. We’re not waiting for districts or confirmation of elections in 2017. Please join us this evening next week in Wilmington as we prepare for the hard work ahead: Wilmington next Thursday: Indochine restaurant, 7 Wayne Drive, Wilmington (Market Street at Forest Hills), 5-7pm, Click here to visit our Facebook event page. No contribution required. RSVP appreciated via our Facebook event page or email [email protected]. Appetizers, and complimentary beverage for those who RSVP. Please join us.
Now or Never NC P.S. Elections do not win themselves. Please donate online here. We need just 3 more State House seats to break the Legislative Supermajority, free our Governor’s veto, and help restore our State. Of course, no matter what happens, we still need to end gerrymandering. Help us support top challengers who support redistricting reform and who want a competition of ideas again in North Carolina. Please join us.
Paid for by Now or Never NC |
2017 Elections: Wilmington Thursday, June 15
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