We’re tailgating before The Connells concert, please join us. Bipartisan BBQ Masters are volunteering their services for an Eastern NC vs. Western NC BBQ competition, and Rufus Edmisten – the North Carolinian who has tasted more BBQ than any other – will serve as Honorary Judge.
No contribution required. Complimentary Eastern and Western NC BBQ, sides, and tea. Bring your own chair and join us! Please RSVP to [email protected].
We are excited that NC Senate Candidate Sarah Crawford (Eastern Wake County and Franklin County) and NC House Candidate Gale Adcock (Western Wake County) will be joining us.
Afterwards, please join us as we walk over to The Connells' 30th Anniversary Concert at the nearby Rose Garden Amphitheatre. The Connells is one of North Carolina's all-time great bands.
Candidate information:
· Gale Adcock (www.galeadcock.com): NC House District 41, includes portions of Apex, Cary, and Morrisville in Western Wake County.
· Sarah Crawford (www.sarahcrawford.org): NC Senate District 18, includes Eastern Wake County and Franklin County.