Our State Legislative leadership has been accelerating the implementation of a social agenda that has been and remains an unmitigated disaster for our State and its people.
Now or Never NC’s supporters overwhelmingly believe that diversity is a national asset, and reject HB2 as an overreaching, discriminatory, and job-killing measure.
Now or Never NC is focused upon electing the strongest candidates in the most winnable of State Legislative races who support public education, redistricting reform, and voter access, and – importantly in this context – who have some appreciation for a government closest to its people.
By contrast, our State Legislative leaders are pursuing a culture war, which has sadly proved electorally successful for them in the past. Of course, our Legislative leaders’ actions depart profoundly from their purported support for fiscal, constitutional, historical, and small government conservatism.
We know our State’s history as a beacon in the South and leader in the nation. In North Carolina, Republican and Democratic Governors once ambitiously pursued excellence in both industry and education. Today, however, our State’s leadership and its policies are rightly and routinely ridiculed throughout the nation and around the world.
In a most troubling appearance recently on the national stage (Meet the Press), our Governor attempted to defend a job-killing social agenda in ways reminiscent of Deep South politicians from generations past, only to be rebuked within the week by none other than the Conservative British Prime Minster during a joint press conference - in Europe - with the President of the United States.
Of course, as the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and other observers point out, with North Carolina ceding the field, other states have all too eagerly taken up our former mantle and strategically focused upon economic development and jobs, to the short- and long-term detriment of our State and its people.
The self-inflicted economic damage that our “leaders” have wrought has unfortunately been met with relative silence by the major business institutions within the State. Thankfully, over 160 CEO’s and the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce have recently stepped forward to start filling this void and have called for the repeal of HB2. We heartily join CEO’s and the Chamber in that call.
Simply put, no one can deny that the Legislature’s social agenda has been a massive drag on both the State’s economy and reputation, and will continue to be until we elect more sensible, solutions-oriented leaders. We cannot stand many more days or weeks of this battering.
Now or Never NC is focusing donors and doers on candidates in the most winnable State Legislative races who can thwart the irreparably harmful agenda of our current Legislative leadership. Please join us in immediately supporting candidates who can win, to chart a new and better course for North Carolina. It is Now or Never NC.
Paid for by Now or Never NC