Envision victory: Prepare to sprint
“Politics is the science of human happiness - and the felicity of societies depends on the constitutions of government under which they live."
- Founding Father, John Adams, writing in early 1776 in response to a request from drafters of North Carolina’s Constitution, some of whom would go on to sign the Declaration of Independence.
Five years ago this summer, volunteers across North Carolina started working on a plan to help Break the State Legislative Supermajority and restore balance and moderation to the forward-looking State we’ve known, culminating in the formation of Now or Never NC.
We’ve backed 7 new State House members thus far, a majority of whom are women or African-American.
On Memorial Day, we remembered those who have died in service to our nation. Every day, we honor their sacrifices by exercising the freedoms they helped secure, freedoms enshrined in our federal and State Constitutions.
Today, the unconstitutionally-gerrymandered Supermajority is ramming through a $24 Billion budget released by them just last night, without input or debate for the first time in recent history.
As in the past, we’re in a political struggle for the heart and soul of our State and nation, and we choose to fight here at home.
Together, we’re built for this moment, and we’re preparing for the sprint to the finish, lifting up and endorsing candidates across the State, and engaging with North Carolinians and friends of the Tar Heel State across the nation.
So, rest up. Prepare to sprint, with victory in mind.
(May 29, 2018)
2017 Elections: Wilmington Thursday, June 15
Earlier this week, the U.S. Supreme Court confirmed that the Legislative Supermajority created unconstitutional, racially gerrymandered districts. On Wednesday, Governor Cooper called a special session for Legislators to fix this mess, which has disenfranchised voters and cost taxpayers dearly; but yesterday, the Legislative Supermajority balked at doing even that. Enough. We have to win State Legislative seats at the next election, which could be as soon as later this year. We’re not waiting for districts or confirmation of elections in 2017. Please join us this evening next week in Wilmington as we prepare for the hard work ahead: Wilmington next Thursday: Indochine restaurant, 7 Wayne Drive, Wilmington (Market Street at Forest Hills), 5-7pm, Click here to visit our Facebook event page. No contribution required. RSVP appreciated via our Facebook event page or email [email protected]. Appetizers, and complimentary beverage for those who RSVP. Please join us.
Now or Never NC P.S. Elections do not win themselves. Please donate online here. We need just 3 more State House seats to break the Legislative Supermajority, free our Governor’s veto, and help restore our State. Of course, no matter what happens, we still need to end gerrymandering. Help us support top challengers who support redistricting reform and who want a competition of ideas again in North Carolina. Please join us.
Paid for by Now or Never NC |
Legislative Disasters: Special Suggestion - Do No Harm
Despite hollow protestations from vulnerable State Legislators to the contrary, our citizens have been on the receiving end of unwanted advances from an overreaching disaster of a Legislative body. Whenever wise investment has been needed to advance our people, or North Carolinians need a hand up, our Legislature has responded with one misguided move after the other, and recently another one came to light.
Hurricane Matthew has decimated part of our State, and we are reminded that our “leaders” raided the our State’s “rainy day fund” of $500,000 needed for disaster relief. Our elected officials are now contemplating a special session in Raleigh next week; the last time they did that they passed the unmitigated job-killing disaster that is HB2. We have a suggestion (a "special suggestion" to the Legislature) for any special session: first do no harm.
Please join us in supporting winnable race challengers who can break the Legislative supermajority and who will go about the actual business of restoring our State.
Donate here.
Now or Never NC
Next Wave of Winnable Race Candidates: washing away division
Our journey home continues and the list of candidates who can return us to the North Carolina we know is expanding.
As selected early this year, Now or Never NC’s initial wave of endorsed candidates for the State Legislature are running in the most winnable of districts based upon historical data (and strategically overlapping districts in the west and northeast): candidates Ball, Beasley, Judge, Schandevel, Futrell, and Hipps.
It is bittersweet to share with you that, because of the continued intransigence and boneheaded moves of our State Legislative “leaders”, and thankfully great challengers running exceptional campaigns in a Presidential election year, our electoral map for State Legislative seats is expanding!
Recently, we have compiled and shared information with you on increasingly competitive State House races, and met with emerging State Senate challengers who are now in a position to defeat incumbents. The result is that Now or Never NC anticipates making additional endorsements and statements of support in additional House and Senate races in the very near future.
Of course, even with positive trends, precision gerrymandering means there are no shoe-ins. Victories must be earned. So, will you join us? It’s Now or Never for North Carolina, and we’re going home.
[Paid for by Now or Never NC]
Our Journey Home
In the coming weeks, we start our journey home to the North Carolina we know. Yes, there may be bumps along the way, though we know who we are, and we know where we’re going.
Election Day is less than ten weeks away, with early voting starting sooner. This Labor Day weekend, as we celebrate the contributions workers have made to our nation, let’s also take a moment to strategically plan for a destination: a North Carolina that is once again a forward-looking beacon in the South and leader in the nation.
In doing so, we recognize leaders past of both parties, and their extraordinary sacrifices and contributions not merely to improving themselves, but to those around them, their communities, and far far beyond. North Carolinians in our greatest tradition.
By contrast, we know all too well the work of our State’s current “leaders”, and the litany of their senseless, self-inflicted wounds is too long and deep for us to stir over yet again.
There is real work to be done in North Carolina. Our citizens face numerous difficulties in their lives. Each circumstance is unique, though there are many common threads, none of which are solved by Legislators bent on destroying, among other things, public education, jobs, and Constitutionally-protected rights and opportunities.
It is for those reasons, and a grateful recognition of our own various opportunities and talents, that we band together for a purpose greater than ourselves: to reclaim and restore the North Carolina we know.
But we must earn it.
So, will you join us? It’s Now or Never for North Carolina, and we’re going home.
Now or Never NC
P.S. Please click here for a listing of - and to support - our 2016 endorsed candidates.
[Paid for by Now or Never NC]
Opportunity: Who We Are, Who We Support
Independence Day provides a moment to reflect on our great freedoms, and how by exercising them, we make them more of a reality for all of us.
Now or Never NC supports State Legislative candidates running in the most winnable races who strongly support public education, redistricting reform, voter access, and who have an appreciation for local government. We support candidates who can help our next Governor sustain a veto of harmful legislation like HB2, and restore and strengthen our State’s deserved reputation as a beacon in the South and leader in the nation. We are Independents, Democrats, and Republicans seeking balance and sanity for our State.
In 2015, we traveled the State in search of great candidates, and this Spring we introduced you to extraordinary North Carolinians running in four NC House and two NC Senate districts that literally span from Murphy to Manteo, that represent a strong first wave of winnable races in 2016.
On this Independence Day, while very hard work lies ahead, we nonetheless see great opportunity in an additional wave of highly competitive races, to help wash away the deep lines in the sand drawn by our current State Legislative leadership. Briefly in the coming weeks, while we also begin final planning for the Fall, we intend to introduce you to candidates running in that next wave of competitive races. Please stay tuned for details. In the meantime, Happy Independence Day!
To learn more about Now or Never NC, please see our Mission Statement, Guiding Principles in Supporting Candidates, and review our slate of Endorsed Candidates, and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you.
Paid for by Now or Never NC
Upcoming Events!
From the mountains to the coast, Now or Never NC is accelerating efforts to support State Legislative candidates who can win. In June, we will focus in particular on important winnable races in northeast and northwest NC, where House and Senate districts strategically overlap in each region. We encourage you to participate and join us for these and other upcoming events:
Read moreJune 1– Warren Judge for NC House: "Local & Coastal"
An evening with northeast NC’s top Legislative prospects.
Read moreLegislature's Social Agenda: Unmitigated Disaster for NC
Our State Legislative leadership has been accelerating the implementation of a social agenda that has been and remains an unmitigated disaster for our State and its people.
Now or Never NC’s supporters overwhelmingly believe that diversity is a national asset, and reject HB2 as an overreaching, discriminatory, and job-killing measure.
Read moreReception to Elect Cynthia Ball
Now or Never NC and the Host Committee invite you to join Attorney General Roy Cooper at a Reception to Elect Cynthia Ball, candidate for NC House District 49. "One of the most competitive seats in NC" -- Politics NC
Read more